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Our mission is to celebrate the power of God's transforming love in Jesus by following where Jesus' love is calling us to serve the community.


We are a group of regular people attempting to find strength for our journeys, common and individual, from a worshipping and ministering community. We do many things well and nothing perfectly. In fact, the greatest common denominator among us is our need for God and one another, not our remarkable competence and independence. For more than 200 years, we have been gathering on Sundays and often during the week to worship and learn, to work and minister, and to play and visit. Something about it works for us, and our deepest hope is that it will for you. We believe that your presence with us will strengthen us, bringing newness and vitality to our community.


Our Promise to you is that you will be welcome, whoever you are, to gather around our table, a place at which there is always room for another. That promise rests in our conviction and hope as a community of faith that the wideness of God's mercy is greater than we can imagine and that no one exists beyond its bounds.

1 Kingsley Ave., Staten Island, NY 10314 +1-718-442-4187

© 2021 by the Church of Ascension, Staten Island, NY

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